

Not Your Average Kid: This 12-YO Crypto Expert’s NFTs Traded For Over $5 million

Alan Monteiro
March 25, 2022

Benyamin Ahmed learnt coding from his father at the young age of five and he got instantly hooked. Now, the 12-year-old boy has become a cryptocurrency expert.

He released his own whale-themed collection of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) digital artworks last year. His first sale of colourful pixelated whales sold out within hours and got him £110,000 which combined with his other ventures, has risen to £750,000 in a matter of months.

The boy who’s still in school has not withdrawn a single penny since he doesn’t have a bank account. His money is tied up in a cryptocurrency called Ethereum, which some argue could become worthless before investors even have time to withdraw.

In total, his collection of NFTs has traded – gone on to be sold over and over by other people for a total amount of more than $5 million.

Benjamin is a child genius who has lectured at Oxford University on NFTs. He believes that NFT is the future of currency, and he’s sitting on a huge future fortune.

He plans to leave his currency where it is for now because he said he’s simply only in the game to build his skills and experience.

According to The Daily Mail, Benjamin said, “My friends at school know what I do and they have congratulated me. Although I don’t think everyone really understands it! But lots of people now know my story and it makes me happy to see lots of people are learning about NFTs because of me.”

“I want to continue to introduce lots of people into the NFT space.”

He even thinks that NFT has a bright future. He said, “I think with every industry, the digital versions of things always perform the best. With digital art, it has a lot more utility and certification – I can just hop online and see where anything came from.”

“Here, anyone can join the network – you can be a refugee or a rich person sat in your mansion and it doesn’t make a difference. Everyone has the same rights and permissions as anyone else.”

Benjamin along with his elder brother Yusuf have been learning how to code from his father since a young age. Their father would task them with daily coding challenges and clever Benyamin became hooked with a keen interest in NFTs – as he got older.

Looks like this boy has a pretty bright future ahead.

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