
Who is Meta Bots?

What is the company's proposal to the market?
Alan Monteiro
March 12, 2022

MetaBots is® a technology arm of Walo®, a american technology company based in Orlando – USA focused on the development and operation of projects in the metaverse. With more than 15 years of experience in virtual reality and augmented reality gives Walo® the edge of being one of the pioneers in this segment developing dozens of projects for various areas in the Brazilian and American market.

Meta Bots® was created by a team of professionals specialized in the field of 3D design such as: Graphic Design, Game Design, Motions Graphics, UX, UI, Storytelling, in addition to Marketing and Advertising.

Our purpose is to translate and carry out projects in the metaverse world focused on customized solutions for companies that seek to innovate in their respective areas of activity or developing avatars and metaverse worlds for influencers and people interested in participating more actively in this new reality.

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